Friday, September 10, 2010

nostalgia is the only appropriate word that can describe the way i feel when i remember my life in Nairobi.
though i was very young back then,i still have fond memories of Pangani:the noisy no.9 matatus with their touts hanging dangerously from their entrances while gyrating to the loud music blaring from inside;street boys hanging on to the rear end of K.B.S buses;noise everywhere.
i can still recall Ainsworth Primary School.i can still recall 'kadogo', a nickname that was bestowed on me by my classmates in reference to my small size.
back in those days,i did not that belonging to a certain tribe could shape your future ,and your interactions with others.
i do not know how things changed.all i hear now is tribalism cloaked under various euphemisms such as ethnicity.
the recent cencus results were released along ethnic lines,meaning that there is a very important tribe that was left out:KENYANS.
am still in shock.

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